
made easy

Find and manage the most promising and relevant technologies, innovations, growth companies and startups. All in one place.

Find the most relevant companies from a data-pool of 3M+ tech & innovations

Extensive and always up-to-date data-pool on 3M+ companies in tech & innovation ensures high accuracy of search results. No more outdated case profiles, no more random googling, no more “out-of-business” companies.

Tech and innovation company discovery platform for corporate innovation

Access AI-suggested similar companies to minimise manual online search by 95%

Never miss out on tech companies and innovations that have the potential to impact your business. Our AI-powered tool automatically suggests a list of cases similar to your search criteria.

Efficiently manage all discovered companies in your pipeline

No more messy Excels and tens of tools to manage your innovation CRM and communicate with your team. Manage the pipeline, tasks and shared materials in one place by swiftly getting everyone up to speed. 

Innovation CRM pipeline kanban view to manage all companies in your pipeline
Store information with the whole innovation team

Convince other stakeholders

Prove your departments worth by having a systematic approach to innovation management. Keep all relevant information in one place for your whole team to see.

Innopipe is your partner in corporate innovation

Innopipe isn’t just a corporate innovation software. We go beyond providing tools, actively collaborating with and educating our clients.

Through casual discussions and larger events, we connect our clients with other corporate innovation experts, creating a dynamic ecosystem where innovation thrives. Innopipe is more than software; it’s a collaborative journey towards corporate excellence.

What you get with Innopipe

A strong partnership from day one

Systematic innovation management

An increase in your department's worth

Innopipe around the world.

Innopipe international map with marks

Our story

First built in-house and used for years by our data analysts and now loved by our corporate partners

Innopipe is a product of Catapult – a tech research company that for years has served Europe’s largest corporates in the tech and innovation scene.

First built and utilised for in-house use, now the platform has evolved into a cutting-edge solution for industries’ front runners.

Efficient decision-making begins with intelligent tools